Category (For Student)

Login Moodle Wesbite Y2024 with your EdUHK account using Google Chrome/ Firefox browsers. Choose a topic that you want to know:

Quick Start & FAQs

The quick start user guide cover topics :

  • Log in Moodle and Find Your Course
  • View Course Announcement
  • Submit a Turnitin Assignment
  • Activity Completion Status
  • Dashboard and Timeline

Turnitin Assignment

Communication & Other Activities


How to Submit Your Turnitin Assignments on EdUHK Moodle? 如何在教大線上學習平台提交你的Turnitin作業?

Click HERE to open the video in new window.

Why display ‘No courses’ on my Moodle website?

No course is displayed in the ‘Moodle Y2023 New Courses’ section

No course is displayed in the ‘Moodle Y2023 New Courses’ section if you do not have at least one new 2023/24 course created on the new Moodle Y2023 website (

Please note that for previous Moodle courses created before or during the summer semester of 2022/23, you can still access them on the Moodle Y2022 website ( After successfully login to the website, you can scroll down the home page to see the previous courses in the ‘My courses’ section.

previous courses in the ‘My courses’ section

Why I cannot submit my assignment to Turnitin in Moodle?

*** Click HERE to find related user guides ***

Possible Reasons:

  • File format (type) is not accepted
  • Number of word is less than 20
  • Special characters or special Chinese characters are used in the file name
  • Network connection problem (may be from Turnitin, Moodle or your home network)
  • Turnitin / Moodle server is under maintenance

Suggested Solutions:

  • Use the accepted file formats (types)
  • Write more than 20 words
  • Only use English characters and/or numbers as file name
  • Submit again when the network is resumed to normal
  • Submit after the server maintenance has completed

Click HERE to know more from Turnitin website.

Why I cannot view the Turnitin Similarity Report?

*** Click HERE to find related user guides ***

Possible Reasons:

  • The report is ready and open as a pop-up window while your web browser blocks the pop-up window.
  • If assignment re-submission is allowed, Turnitin will have 24 hours delay to release the report for resubmissions more than 3 times in same part of assignment.
  • Your teacher does not grant you the right to view the report.

Possible Solutions:

  • Change the browser setting to allow pop-up window
  • Use another web browser to access the report.
  • If you have re-submitted the assignment more than 3 times, just wait for about 24 hours.
  • Contact your teacher
Why the similarity report still pending for long time?

Click HERE to find Turnitin user guides.

  • If you have performed resubmission more than three times in that part of Turnitin assignment, you’ll have to wait 24 hours for new Similarity Report counting from your latest re-submission.
  • If your file contain unreadable text or format, Turnitin will not able to generate similarity report.
  • In some situation, teacher may set the Turnitin assignment release the report after due date, or not release to student. Please contact your teacher for clarification.
Why is the list of references counted in the similarity report?

Click HERE to find Turnitin user guides.