calendar_today Date: 25 April 2022 (Monday)
schedule Time: 12:30 – 1:30 pm
location_on Venue: Online through Zoom

Dr. CHIA Ti Yong Alexius
Associate Dean, Practicum & Partnerships, Office of Teacher Education
Senior Lecturer, English Language & Literature
National Institute of Education, Singapore
class Moderator

Professor KONG Siu CheungProfessor, Department of Mathematics & Information Technology
Director, Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology
The Education University of Hong Kong

person Target: All staff
language Language: English

Participation in this seminar can be counted towards the Certificate Course, “Introduction to Teaching in Higher Education” under the theme “Seminars/Workshops in Learning and Teaching.


This presentation will start off with a sharing of NIE Singapore’s goal to develop a multiple perspectival mindset in its student teachers. It will go on to elaborate on some of the initiatives that has worked well and how these were severely challenged because of the Covid-19 pandemic. The presentation will end with some postulations of what a post-pandemic NIE could look like and steps it should take to negotiate the uncertainties and yet try to achieve its original goals.


Dr. CHIA Ti Yong Alexius

Associate Dean, Practicum & Partnerships, Office of Teacher Education
Senior Lecturer, English Language & Literature
National Institute of Education, Singapore

Dr Alexius Chia's Bio

Dr Alexius Chia is a Senior Lecturer of English Language & Literature at the National Institute of Education, Singapore. He holds a concurrent appointment as the Associate Dean of Practicum & Partnerships. In his administrative role, Alex oversees partnerships at various levels – local and international. These partnerships involve a range of activities from exchange to international practicum to industry internships.