Transforming Education with AI: The Impact of AI and Emerging Trends

Video, Photos and Materials for Download

Video video
Photos photo
PowerPoint Slides materials
calendar_today Date: 2 November 2023 (Thursday)  
schedule Time: 10:30-11:45 am  
location_on Venue: Online Mode through Zoom
record_voice_over Speaker:

Professor YAN Zi  
Professor and Acting Head,
Department of Curriculum and Instruction,
The Education University of Hong Kong

Ms KONG Tsz Kwan, Joyce  
Department of Management, Marketing and Information Systems,
Hong Kong Baptist University

class Moderator: Dr. William CHEUNG
Educational Development Manager, LTTC
person Target: Staff  
language Language: English


The assessment reform with an emphasis on formative assessment has been promoted in Hong Kong for two decades. Despite these efforts, the application of formative assessment in classrooms remains insufficient. One significant reason for this inadequacy is the neglect of the synergy between teacher-directed formative assessment (Assessment-for-learning) and student-initiated formative assessment (Assessment-as-learning). This presentation aims to underscore the significance of students’ responsibility and agency in the assessment process. It also showcases a series of research studies that explore the potential synergy between assessment-for-learning and assessment-as-learning. By delving into both theoretical and empirical topics, this research aims to contribute to the educational reform agenda and offer a unique perspective to the field of educational assessment by establishing a comprehensive framework for researching and practising assessment across diverse contexts.  

Speaker from EdUHK

Professor YAN Zi


Tackle the challenges of assessment reform: Maximising the synergy between Assessment-for-learning and Assessment-as-learning  


This presentation will explore strategies and practical tips for seamlessly incorporating peer feedback into the students’ learning process to enhance their learning. Unlocking the potential of peer feedback, the presentation will share the benefits of peer feedback, discuss the best practices for structuring peer feedback activities, and discover practical techniques for promoting and implementing peer feedback and empowering students to take ownership of their learning through peer feedback.  

Speaker from HKBU

Ms KONG Tsz Kwan, Joyce    


Amplifying Student Learning through Peer Feedback