calendar_today Date: 19 April 2024 (Friday)
schedule Time: 02:30 pm – 04:00 pm
location_on Venue: STEM Innovation Hub (C-LP-06)
record_voice_over Speaker:

i) Professor Li Lin
School of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Wuhan University of Technology

ii) Dr. Li Xin
Deputy Director, iFlyTek AI Research Institute

class Moderator:

Professor Xu Guandong
Chair Professor of Artificial Intelligence
Director, University Research Facility of Data Science & Artificial Intelligence
Director, Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology
The Education University of Hong Kong

person Target: Staff and postgraduate students
language Language:

i)  English
ii) Mandarin

Participation in this seminar can be counted towards the Certificate Course “Introduction to Teaching in Higher Education” under the theme, “Seminars/Workshops in Learning and Teaching”.


i) Healthy and Personalized Meal Recommendation in Food Computing

Food is essential for human life and it is fundamental to the human experience. It strongly affects people’s health, happiness and well-being in daily life. Every year, tens of thousands of people suffer from obesity or malnutrition due to lack of scientific dietary knowledge. Artificial intelligence has experienced phenomenal development in recent years, and it has also empowered thousands of industries. Food computing is its application in the food field and represents a promising avenue for harnessing technology to address pressing societal challenges related to health and well- being, which aligns with the principle of AI for good. Meal recommendation is an important sub-task in food computing. It recommends food to users in a way that is consistent with people’s natural eating habits. It is convenient, efficient, and easy to control nutrition. However, this field still faces many challenges, such as difficulty in obtaining datasets, learning from complex relationships, and trade-offs between personalization and healthiness. This talk will introduce our study on a new proposed benchmark dataset, and a series of models and methods around the topic of meal recommendation to address the above challenges. Those works provide new research resource and useful insights for AI for good in food domain, which contributes to helping people develop healthy eating habits and promoting public health.

ii) iFlytek Spark LLM and Human-centric Research星火大模型及以人為中心的相關科研進展



Professor Li Lin

School of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Wuhan University of Technology

Prof. Lin Li is with the School of Computer Science and Technolog) y, Wuhan University of Technology, China. She had received her PhD degree in The University of Tokyo, Japan. Her research outcomes have been published in 150+ papers including two highly cited papers across top-tier journals (e.g., TKDE, TOIS, TSC, TOIT, TIST,INFFUS, IPM, etc.) and conferences (e.g.,AAAI, IJCAI,SIGIR, WWW, WSDM,CIKM, ICDM, DASFAA, ICMR, EMNLP, COLING, etc). She has held leadership positions with IEEE sponsored conferences, including Chair (or Co-chair) of program committees it n BESC’19 and ’20. She has also been a guest editor in top-tier journals such as WWWJ, special session chairs of ICME 2021 and ICMR 2022.

Dr. Li Xin

Deputy Director,
iFlyTek AI Research Institute

李鑫,博士,高級工程師,科大訊飛AI研究院副院長,科研部部長悉尼科技大學訪問學者,認知智慧全國重點實驗室研究員,中國電腦學會高級會員,中國電腦學會大資料專委會執行委員, 中國標準化協會理事,中國標準化協會腦機介面與類腦智慧專委會副主任,腦機介面全國聯盟系統與行業應用組副主席,中國互聯網協會青年專家,《Journal of natural language processing》創刊編委,入選2023年度“腦科學與類腦智能科創新青青年30人”,榮獲KSEM、CIKM最佳論文/最佳論文候選獎等榮譽。在訊飛主要負責人工智慧與認知神經科學技術在教育、醫療等領域的應用研究。先後主持並參與多個科技部2030項目、國家重點研發計畫項目、省市科研基金項目等數10項,並在國際頂級學術會議與知名期刊發表論文40餘篇、申請專利40餘件。