
LTTC and MIT Host Delegation from CCNU to Advance AI and Education Collaboration
[Hong Kong, December 10, 2024] — Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC) and Department of Mathematics and Information Technology (MIT) co-hosted a delegation from Central China Normal University (CCNU) to explore collaborative opportunities in artificial intelligence (AI) for education.…..Read More

EdUHK Students Won in Huawei ICT Competition 2024
[Hong Kong, December 7, 2024] — Three students from EdUHK have been awarded the prestigious “Potential Prize” in the Cloud Track of the Huawei ICT Competition 2024-2025 Hong Kong. The Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC) and Huawei Hong Kong (Huawei) have partnered to establish the ICT Academy to nurture talent in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) since 2022/2023..…..Read More

LTTC LLM Studio Organised a GenAI Workshop for Yunnan Normal University
[Hong Kong, November 27, 2024] — The Large Language Model (LLM) Studio of the Centre for Learning, Teaching, and Technology (LTTC), The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) conducted a workshop titled “Using Generative AI Tools for Supporting Academic Research and Writing” for a delegation of 20 visiting scholars and research postgraduate students from Yunnan Normal University (YNNU) on 27 November 2024……Read More

Launch of AIREA International Competition on Artificial Intelligence in Education 2025 cum the 2nd AI and Education Forum of AIREA
[22 November 2024, Hong Kong] — The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) was excited to announce the launch of the International Competition on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education 2025 (the Competition) under the initiative of the Artificial Intelligence Research and Education Alliance (AIREA) on 22 November 2024. ……Read More

Mr. Chan Tsz Cheung Vincent Honored at AETS2024 with Best Presentation Award
[Hong Kong, November 8, 2024] — We are delighted to announce that Mr. Chan Tsz Cheung Vincent, Educational Development Assistant, received the Best Presentation Award at the 4th Asia Education Technology Symposium (AETS2024), held from November 8 to 10, 2024, in Hong Kong..…..Read More

FITE Project Shortlisted for QS Reimagine Education Awards 2024
[Hong Kong, 9 October 2024] We are excited to announce that our project, “Leveraging the Metaverse to Promote Data Security and Privacy Awareness,” funded by the UGC’s Fund for Innovative Technology-in-Education (FITE), has been shortlisted in the “Immersive Experiential Learning” category for the prestigious QS Reimagine Education Awards 2024……Read More

The 1st AI and Education Forum cum Launching Ceremony of Artificial Intelligence Research and Education Alliance
[Hong Kong, September 16, 2024] — The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) has taken a significant step towards advancing the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education by launching the Artificial Intelligence Research and Education Alliance (AIREA) on September 16. The establishment of AIREA is a collaborative effort between EdUHK and renowned experts and professionals from universities, research centres, and industry entities worldwide, aiming to foster a more inclusive and responsible AI research and education ecosystem……Read More

The Launch of LLM Studio to Empower Education through Generative AI
[Hong Kong, September 16, 2024] — The Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC) of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) has announced the establishment and launch of the Large Language Model (LLM) Studio. The initiative aims to equip EdUHK teaching staff with LLM knowledge and skills and offer low-threshold solutions to utilise LLMs’ capacity to meet diverse educational needs……Read More

The 11th International Conference on Behavioral and Social Computing 2024 was Chaired by DLTTC
[Harbin, August 16 -18, 2024] The 11th International Conference on Behavioral and Social Computing (BESC 2024) was held in Harbin. The conference was organised by Harbin Engineering University and hosted by the College of Computer Science and Technology at Harbin Engineering University, with technical support from the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society…… Read More

A Visit from The Language Institute of Thammasat University (LITU) Delegation
[Hong Kong, July 25, 2024] A delegation from the Language Institute of Thammasat University (LITU) in Thailand, led by Dr Supakorn Phoocharoensil, Director of LITU, visited the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). The visit was organised by the Department of English Language Education (ELE). LTTC colleagues shared EdUHK’s innovative technologies applied in higher education with the delegation during the visit…… Read More

A Visit from IPRRFSS 2024 Research Postgraduate Student Delegation
[Hong Kong, July 11, 2024] A group of research postgraduate students attending the International Postgraduate Roundtable and Research Forum Cum Summer School (IPRRFSS) 2024 visited the Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC). The IPRRFSS 2024 was organised by the Graduate School (GS). LTTC colleagues shared EdUHK’s teaching and learning strategies and innovative technologies in higher education with the delegation.….. Read More

A Visit from The Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam and Universiti Brunei Darussalam
[Hong Kong. June 27, 2024] A delegation from the Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam and Universiti Brunei Darussalam, led by Dr. Eddy Fazlin bin Hj Ahmad, the Head of Special Education Department at the Ministry of Education Brunei Darussalam, visited The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). The visit aimed to explore the top strategies in university transformation and future academic infrastructure, emphasizing generative artificial intelligence (AI) in education and gamification in the metaverse ….. Read More

香港教育大學與華東師範大學及上海師範大學合作 聚焦AI和STEM教育
[2024年6月21-22日,上海] 香港教育⼤學校⻑李⼦建教授於6⽉21⾄22⽇率領代表團出訪上海,與兩所⼤學分別在⼈⼯智能教育及STEM教育⽅⾯達成合作。教⼤代表團成員包括:教學科技中⼼總監徐貫東教授、教學科技中⼼聯席⾏政總監鄭國城博⼠及環球事務處處⻑蕭觀明先⽣等。21⽇,教⼤代表團到訪華東師範⼤學,由校⻑錢旭紅、黨委副書記孟鍾捷、國際合作與交流處處⻑蒯曙光、計算機科學與技術學院及上海智能教育研究院院⻑周愛⺠、副院⻑江波及張凱、科技處副處⻑饒昇苹、⼈文與社會科學研究院副院⻑吳文鈺、港澳台辦公室主任王素斌等領導接待,參觀上海智能教育研究院及兒童腦成像中⼼。……閱讀全文

[2024年5月30日,香港] 齊魯工業大學(山東省科學院)代表團一行在黨委書記吳衍濤的率領下,訪問了香港教育大學(教大)並展開了合作框架磋商會議。本次會議旨在討論透過多元化的學術與研究活動加強香港、山東兩地及兩校之間的聯繫與協作。教大教學科技中心總監、數據科學與人工智能中心實驗室總監、人工智能講座教授徐貫東教授對代表團的到訪表示熱烈歡迎,並介紹了教大的概況、歷史、戰略發展和在人工智能和數據科學方面的教學與相關科研項目……閱讀全文

A Visit from NEOM University Delegation from Saudi Arabia
[Hong Kong, May 9, 2024] — A delegation from NEOM University in Saudi Arabia, led by Professor Charles Zukoski, Provost of NEOM University, and Professor Kin-Leong Pey, Senior Vice-Provost of NEOM University, visited The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). The purpose of their visit was to learn the best practices in university transformation and future academic facilities, particularly the future classrooms of EdUHK for collaborative and interactive learning. ….. Read More

A Visit from Peking University Delegation
[Hong Kong, May 3, 2024] — A delegation from Peking University, led by Professor JIA Jiyou, full professor and the head of the Department of Educational Technology at the Graduate School of Education, visited the Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC) of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). The visit aimed to facilitate communication and the sharing of innovative approaches in learning, teaching, and research, with a focus on generative artificial intelligence (AI) in education and gamification in the metaverse….. Read More

[2024年2月7日,香港]「香港教育大學—華東師範大學人工智能教育中心」是由香港教育大學校長李子健教授和華東師範大學黨委書記梅兵教授聯合倡議設立。去年10月, 雙方校領導及科研團隊已透過線上模式舉行了中心建設啟動會。2024年1月29日,為進一步落實「香港教育大學—華東師範大學人工智能教育中心」建設的工作,華東師範大學研究院院長周愛民教授蒞臨香港教育大學,並參訪教學科技中心…… 閱讀全文

A Visit from Yunnan Normal University
[Hong Kong, 14 December 2023] A delegation of professors from Yunnan Normal University (YNNU) recently visited The Education University of Hong Kong to discuss the establishment of the “EdUHK-YNNU 南亞及東南亞教育發展研究協同創新中心” and exchange ideas. The purpose of the visit was to foster collaboration, share best practices, and explore opportunities for future partnerships, particularly in the development of professional development programs for teachers in Yunnan…. Read More

EdUHK and Apple Collaborate to Transform Education with Technological Innovation
[Hong Kong, 31 October 2023] The Centre for Learning, Teaching, and Technology (LTTC) is proud to announce a significant collaboration with Apple, aimed at transforming education through the integration of technology. This partnership, marked by the establishment of the Apple Regional Training Centre (RTC), demonstrates a joint commitment to enhancing e-Learning and digital competency development among academic staff and students… Read More

LTTC and Industry Giant Collaborate to Promote Transformative AI in Education
[Hong Kong, 20 Sep. 2023] The Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC) recently hosted a seminar titled “Transforming Education with AI: The Impact of AI and Emerging Trends” on 20th September. The event, held at the Conference Centre, aimed to promote the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education. Drawing a crowd of over 300 academics and students from the university, the seminar catered to those keen on exploring how AI might revolutionize the field of education… Read More

Visit from a Central China Normal University Delegation
[Hong Kong, 20 July 2023] A delegation of professors from Central China Normal University (CCNU) recently visited The Education University of Hong Kong to exchange ideas and knowledge with the Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC) and the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology (MIT). The visit aims to foster collaboration, share best practices and explore opportunities for future partnerships… Read More
Latest Newsletter
Issue 10, September 2024
In the past year, recognising the growing significance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education, LTTC organised seminars, workshops, and AI Guidelines briefings for colleagues and students at EdUHK. To support teaching and learning outcomes, we also held sessions on Learning Analytics and the application of Large Language Models (LLM). The establishment of the first Apple Regional Training Centre (RTC) at LTTC, in partnership with Apple, demonstrates a joint commitment to enhancing e-learning and developing digital competency. Additionally, Metaverse and CAVE workshops were conducted to provide support for Virtual Learning and Teaching, creating immersive experiences for colleagues and students. We offered seminars on various topics to all EdUHK members, aiming to enhance teaching quality and facilitate the exchange of pedagogical experiences. Looking ahead, LTTC will continue to provide activities for colleagues and students to enhance learning and develop digital competency. The 10th issue of the LTTC Newsletter, documenting the past year’s activities and upcoming events, is now available.
Previous Newsletters
Issue 9, July 2023
In the past year, LTTC provided support for hybrid/blended/virtual learning and teaching by organising a series of events, including seminars, workshops, and sharing sessions. Additionally, to promote artificial intelligence literacy development, we offered courses, workshops, and seminars to students and colleagues at EdUHK. Furthermore, to showcase innovative pedagogies, we organised numerous tours of EdUHK’s future classrooms for practitioners. In the coming year, LTTC will continue to offer activities for staff and students to enhance learning and teaching, as well as develop their digital competency at the University. The 9th issue of the LTTC Newsletter, documenting the past year’s activities and upcoming events, is now available.
Issue 8, June 2022
We provided support on online / hybrid lessons and organized a series of events, including courses and workshops on artificial intelligence literacy, use of data generated from Moodle Learning Management System, and numerous tours to the newly refurbished future classrooms inside Mong Man Wai Library. In the coming year, LTTC will continue to offer activities for staff and students to enhance learning and teaching at the University. The 8th issue of LTTC Newsletter documenting the activities in the past year and upcoming activities is now available.
Issue 7, June 2021
We are providing ongoing support to facilitate online learning and teaching during the pandemic, and we conducted a series of workshops and seminars. A major event, The International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2020, was successfully organised online and attracted nearly 700 participants. In the coming year, LTTC will continue to offer activities for staff and students to enhance learning and teaching at the University. The 7th issue of LTTC Newsletter documenting the activities in the past year and upcoming activities is now available.
Issue 6, June 2020
We have accomplished a lot in an extraordinary year. We provided support on online learning and teaching during the COVID-19 outbreak and organized a number of events, including the Learning and Teaching @EdUHK Festival 2019 and some online sharing seminars. In the coming year, LTTC will continue to offer activities for staff and students to enhance learning and teaching at the University. The 6th issue of LTTC Newsletter documenting the activities in the past year and upcoming activities is now available.
Issue 5, March 2019
The year of 2017/18 was a fruitful year with a number of major events accomplished, including the Learning and Teaching @EdUHK Festival 2018, and Seminar on Mathematical Concept Development for Secondary School Students through E-Learning cum Launching Ceremony of Cornerstone Maths. In the coming year, LTTC will continue to organise activities for staff and students to enhance learning and teaching at the University. We are pleased to announce that the 5th issue of LTTC Newsletter, which documents the activities in the past year and upcoming activities, is launched.
Issue 4, October 2017
The year of 2016/17 was a fruitful year with a number of major events accomplished, including the opening ceremony of Coding Education Unit, and Learning and Teaching @EdUHK Festival 2017. In the year of 2017/18, LTTC will continue to organise activities for staff and students to enhance learning and teaching at the University. We are pleased to announce that the 4th issue of LTTC Newsletter, which documents the activities in the past year and upcoming activities, is launched.